Book Of Namâz

Book of Namaz, By Huseyn Hilmi Isik, Prepared for publication by Hakikat Kitabevi This book covers the essentials of Islamic prayer known as as-Salat based on the Hanafi school.

Belief And Islam

This work, Belief and Islam, originally was written in Persian under the title I’tiqâd-nâma by Hadrât Mawlânâ Khâlid al-Baghdâdî, a profound ‘âlim of Islam and a specialist in ma’ârif of tasawwuf. Hâji Faydullah Effendi of Kemah, a khalîfa of great walî Mavlânâ Mahmûd Sâhib, the brother of the author, translated the book into Turkish and named it Farâid-ul-fawâid which was printed in Istanbul in 1312 A.H.[1894]. Our bookstore had it translated again from the Persian original into Turkish and, some explanations and three chapters, published it with the title Imân ve Islâm in 1966.


Днес на земята има три големи религии: ислямът, юдаизмът и християнството. Всяка една от тях си има свещена книга, която от съответните последователи се приема за слово на Алла̄ху теа̄ля̄. Свещената книга на юдаизма [мӯсевизма] е Тората, а на християните [ӣсевиите] Библията, която се състои от две части: Стар Завет (Тора) и Нов Завет (Евангелия и още други малки книги). Свещената книга на мюсюлманите е Кора̄н-и керӣм


Алла̄ху теа̄ля̄ (Всевишният Аллах) проявява милост към всички хора по света. Показва им как да се държат, за да постигнат спокойствие и в земния, и в отвъдния живот. В отвъдния живот Създателят ще опрости когото пожелае от онези мюсюлмани, които са заслужили да отидат в Джехеннема (Ада), и ще ги въведе в Дженнета (Рая). Само Той създава всички живи същества и ги поддържа в съществуване, само Той ги защитава от страха и ужаса. Осланяйки се на уважаемото име на Алла̄ху теа̄ля̄, ние започваме да пишем тази книга.


Хамфър казва: Нашата Великобритания е много обширна. Слънцето изгрява над нейните морета и залязва отново над тях. Но властта на държавата ни е относително слаба в нейните колонии в Индия, Китай и Близкия изток. Тези страни не са изцяло под наше господство ала ние провеждаме много активна и успешна политика за тях. Всички те са на път да преминат в наши ръце. Тук две неща са ни от голяма значение:


Започваме да пишем книгата “Ислямът и християнството” с името на Алла̄ху теа̄ля̄. Хвала на Алла̄ху теа̄ля̄ и нека добри молитви от нас бъдат за Неговия любим пророк Мухаммед (алейхисселя̄м/мир нему) и за неговите близки роднини и сподвижници!


Аллаху теаля, за да бъдат хората щастливи на този и отвъдния свят и за да живеят задружно и спокойно в мир и разбирателство, включително и за да извести хората как трябва да изпълняват дълговете си към техния Създател, е изпратил на тях пейгамбери “алейхимусселям”.

О, синко! (наставления)

О, любими синко и верни приятелю! Нека Аллаху теаля да те дари с дълъг живот и да те благослови да го прекараш в ибадети и по посочен от Него път! Всички наставления са взети от нашия Пророк Мухаммед “салляллаху алейхи ве селлем”. Всяко наставление, което не идва от него, няма да бъде от полза никому. Ако не си приел някое от тези съвети, които са пръснати по целия свят, то защо си останал с мен толкова години?


Хамд (хвала) на Аллаху теаля! Салят и селям за Неговия многообичан Пророк Мухаммед “алейхиссаляту весселям”! Благословени дуи да бъдат за всички от неговия чист Ехли бейт и справедлив и верен Есхаб (сподвижници) “радияллаху теаля анхум еджма’ин”!

Животът и наставленията на великия ислямски учен имам Мухаммед Газали

Големец сред евлиите и един от най-прочутите ислямски учени. Името му е Мухаммед бин Мухаммед; кунйе – Ебу Хамид; прякор – Худжету’л-ислям и Зейнеддин. Станал е известен като Туси и Газали. Бил е роден през 1058 (450) г. в град Тус, Иран. Починал там през 1111 (505) г. Гробът му се намира на място, наречено Таберан.

Имам а’зам Ебу Ханифе

Истинското му име е било Нуман. Роден бил през 80 г. по Хиджра (699 г.) в гр. Куфа и починал през 150 г. по Хиджра (767 г.) в Багдад (дн. Ирак). Баща му Сабит – който е принадлежал към благородните семейства на Аджемистан (Иран) – имал персийски произход. Дядо му Зута, който е приел исляма, имал честта да нагости хазрети Али “радиаллаху анх”. Баща му, Сабит, който е бил начетен, правоверен и много ценен човек, се срещнал с хазрети Али и получил от него благословии и дуи за себе си, за децата си и бъдещите си поколения.


Започваме да пишем книгата “Се’а̄дет-и Ебедиййе/Безкрайното щастие” с Бесмеле (с името на Алла̄ху теа̄ля̄). Алла̄ху теа̄ля̄ (Всевишният Аллах) проявява милост към всички хора в земния живот. Създава и изпраща полезните за тях неща. В отвъдния живот Създателят ще опрости когото пожелае от онези мюсюлмани, които са заслужили да отидат в Джехеннема (Ада), и ще ги въведе в Дженнета (Рая).

天国の道 イルミハール

アッラーは、⼈々が現世と来世で幸福となるように、穏や かさと安らぎの中にいられるように、また⼼を⼀つにし、兄弟 のように⽣きることができるように、そしてしもべとしての務 めをどのように果たすかを教えるために、預⾔者たち(アッラ ーの平安がありますように)を遣わされました。

イーマーンとイスラーム : 信仰と実貴


ムハンマド様 愛すべき預言者

ムハンマド (アライヒッサラーム) は、アッラーの最愛の者であり、創造されたすべての人間や他の被造物と比べ、 最も優れ、最も美しく、最も名誉ある者である。そして、アッラーが褒め称え、すべての人間やジン (幽精) のため、 預言者として選ばれ送られた、最後にして最高位の預言者である。全世界に対してアッラーの慈悲として送られた者 であり、すべては彼の存在があってこそ創られたのである。その神聖な名前は繰り返し称えられ、ムハンマド (アラ イヒッサラーム) という名前自体も、数多く褒め称えられるという意味である。彼には他にもアハマド、マハムード、 ムスタファなどの称賛されている名前がある。彼の父の名はアブドゥッラーであり、そして、ヒジュラの五十三年前、 ラビーウ・ル・アウワル月の十二日、月曜日の夜明け、聖マッカにて誕生した。歴史学者たちによれば、この日は太陽暦でいうところの五七一年四月二十日であるとされている。


アッラーはこの世界における すべての⼈々に慈悲をかけ られ、有益なものを創造なされ、送られる⽅で す。この世 界にいる間に悔悟した信者たちの罪が どれほど⼤きなもの であった としても、来世においてそれらは必ず許されま す。悔悟をする前に死んでいった 、地獄に⾏くべき信者の うち、アッラーは望まれる者を許されて 天国に⾄らされま す。すべての⽣命体を創造なされ、存在しているものをあ らゆる瞬間において存在する状態で留められ、すべてを恐 れ、恐怖から守られるのはただそのお⽅のみです。このよ うなアッラーの誉れ⾼い御名に庇護を求めつつ、この書物 を書き始めます。


El hamd y la alabanza son mérito de Allâhu ta’âlâ, que es Wâŷib-ulWuŷûd (cuya existencia es absolutamente necesaria), y solo a Él le pertenecen. Todo el orden y las bellezas del universo son las luces manifiestas de los actos de Su poder. Su poder y conocimiento infinitos se muestran en las cosas dependiendo de sus diversas cualidades

Fâideli Bilgiler

İslâm dîni ve Ehl-i Sünnet i’tikâdı hakkında öz bilgiler verilen kitâbda, islâmî ilimlerin ve fıkh âlimlerinin sınıflandırılması, İmâm-ı A’zam Ebû Hanîfe hazretlerinin hayâtı anlatılmaktadır. Üç kısımdan meydâna gelen Fâideli Bilgiler kitâbında dinde reform yapmak isteyenlere, İslâm dinini bozan zararlı cereyân ve fikirlere ve cebriyye, mu’tezîle, vehhâbîlik gibi sapık fırkalara cevâb verilmektedir.

Mahzen-ül Ulûm

Âlimlerin asırlardan beri kütüphaneleri süsleyen pekçok eserlerinden, din ve fen ilimlerine dair bilgilerden bahseden ansiklopedik bir eserdir. Bu eseri Seyyid Abdülzâde Muhammed Tâhir ve Serkiz Urpilyan yazmıştır.


Allahu ta’ala tem misericórdia de todas as pessoas na Terra. Ele cria coisas úteis e as envia a todos. Ele mostra o caminho para o júbilo eterno


In dit boek zijn de geloofsfundamenten van de islam, met andere woorden de zes zuilen van het geloof, uit authentieke en betrouwbare boeken overgenomen en op een gedetailleerde wijze verklaard. Daarnaast wordt er ook informatie over andere religies gegeven en worden deze vergeleken met de islam.


Allah Najwyższy okazuje miłosierdzie wszystkim ludziom na świecie. Stwarza i zsyła im to, czego oni wszyscy potrzebują. Pokazuje im Drogę prowadzącą do wiecznego szczęścia.

My Beloved Prophet

Muhammad ‘alaihis-salâm is Allahu ta’âlâ’s habîb (beloved); He is in every respect the most beautiful and the most exalted of all mankind and other creatures that have ever lived. He is the one exalted by Allahu ta’âlâ and the last and most superior prophet whom Allahu ta’âlâ sent for all humans and jinns.

Shawâhıd-un Nubuwwa

May praise be to Allahu Ta’âlâ Who made the secrets of His divinity known to us by making His creatures witness. He showed us the way of acknowledging His Rubûbiyyat (Lordship) by means of ensuing events and the proofs of possibility.


Dla człowieka istnieją trzy różne rodzaje życia: życie na ziemi, życie w grobie i życie po śmierci. Na ziemi ciało istnieje razem z duszą. Dusza daje człowiekowi życie i żywotność. W momencie odłączenia duszy od ciała następuje śmierć.


Como Allâhu ta’âlâ é misericordioso para com todos os povos da Terra, Ele cria coisas benéficas e as envia para nós. No Além, Ele perdoará os crentes transgressores que estavam prestes a ir para o fogo, e os levará ao Paraíso. Ele é o único que cria cada ser vivo, mantém-no sempre em existência e protege-os a todos do medo e do horror. Confiando-me completamente ao nobre nome de Allâhu ta’âlâ, começo a escrever este livro.


Este texto fue escrito por Ahmed Cevdet Paşa, rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ‘alaih, que prestó un gran servicio al Islam al poner, en su excelente libro “Maŷalla”, las reglas del Qur’ân al-karîm en un código jurídico. Además de esto, escribió “La Historia Otomana” de doce volúmenes, el texto más fiable en esta disciplina, y el célebre “Qisâs-i Anbiyâ’” (Historia de los Profetas). Nació en Lofja (Lowicz en Polonia) el año 1238 H. (1823 d.C.); murió en el año 1312 (1894 d.C.) y fue enterrado en el cementerio de la Mezquita Fâtih en Estambul.


Dit boekje is geschreven door Ahmed Cevdet pâsha (rahmatullâhi ta’âlâ ‘alayh). De oorspronkelijke versie bestaat uit eenentwintig pagina’s. Hij heeft de islam een grote dienst geleverd door een zeer waardevol boek (Majalla) samen te stellen waarbij hij de ahkâm al-Qur’âniyya (de Koranische voorschriften) heeft geschreven in de vorm van wetten

Kıyâmet ve Âhıret

Kıyâmet ve Âhıret kitâbında insanın ölümü, rûhun bedenden ayrılması, kabr hayâtı, kabr süâlleri, kıyâmet günü insanların hesâba çekilmesi, Cennet ve Cehenneme nasıl gidileceği büyük islâm âlimi, İmâm-ı Gazâlî hazretlerinin kitâblarından terceme edilerek geniş olarak açıklanmakda ve vehhâbîliğe cevap vererek evliyâlığın ne olduğu, kıyâmet günü herkesin sevdiğinin yanında olacağı konuları açıklanmakdadır.

Hak Sözün Vesîkaları

Hak sözün vesîkaları kitabı Şî’îlik, Ehl-i Beyt, Eshâb-ı kirâm ve Ehl-i Sünnet hakkında bilgiler vermekde, Ehl-i beyt ile Eshâb-ı kirâmın birbirlerini çok sevdiklerini açıklamakda ve şî’îlerin kitablarını ve iftirâlarını gâyet ilmî olarak cevâblamakdadır. Komünistlik ve din düşmanlığı hakkında bilgiler de veren kitâbda İmâm-ı Gazâlî hazretlerinin (Eyyühel-Veled) tercemesi ve İmâm-ı Rabbânî hazretlerinin hâl tercemesi de bulunmaktadır.

Herkese Lâzım Olan Îmân

İslâm dîninin bilinmesi gereken îmân esaslarını ve îmânın altı şartını kaynak kitaplardan aktararak detaylı bir şekilde açıklayan bu kitâb, aynı zamanda diğer dînler hakkında bilgiler de verip İslâmiyyet ile karşılaşdırmakda ve Müslümân olan meşhur yabancıların görüşlerine ve hayat hikâyelerine de yer vermektedir.

Dürr-ül me’ârif

(Dürr-ül me’ârif) kitâbı, îmân, ilm, ahlâk ve tesavvuf bilgilerinden bahsetmekdedir. İsmin ma’nâsı (ma’rifetler-yüksek bilgiler incisi)dir. Yazarı Şâh Râuf Ahmed müceddidî olup, Abdullah-ı Dehlevî hazretlerinin yetiştirdiği büyük evliyâdandır. Üstâdının altı aylık sohbetleri esnâsında dile aldığı konuları yazmışdır.


Niech będą dzięki Allahowi Najwyższemu! Niech nasze pozdrowienia i najlepsze dua będą dla naszego Proroka Muhammeda (alejhisselam), najwyższego z Proroków i Jego czystej Rodziny, a także dla wszystkich tych, którzy mieli zaszczyt być Jego Towarzyszami!


In dit boek wordt er kennis medegedeeld waarvan het voor iedere moslim noodzakelijk is om het te kennen, namelijk kennis over de geloofsleer (‘aqīda) van de ahl al-soenna, het gebed (salāt), de kleine rituele wassing (wudū), de grote rituele wassing (ghusl), de droge rituele wassing (tayammum), het vasten (sawm), de armenbelasting (zakāt) en de bedevaart (hajj). Aan het einde van dit boek zijn er smeekbeden in hun Arabische origineel weergegeven, die binnen of buiten het gebed worden uitgesproken.


Desde los tiempo de Âdam, ’alaihis-salâm, se hacía namâz una vez al día en todas las religiones. Todo lo que se había estado haciendo se compiló y se hizo fard (obligatorio) para los que creen en Muhammad, sallallâhu ‘alaihi wa sallam. A pesar de que hacer namâz no es uno de los principios del îmân, es esencial creer que el namâz es fard


Allâhu ta’âlâ enviou Profetas, ‘alaihim-us-salâm, aos Seus escravos para que possam alcançar felicidade, bem-estar e paz no mundo e no Além, bem como levar uma vida de irmandade através da união dos corações, e ensiná-los a cumprir os deveres que advêm de serem Seus escravos.

Advice For The Muslim

Brief passages from the reputed books of ahl as-sunnat scholars are quoted for refuting corrupt Wahhabi and la-madhhabiyya beliefs. Infinite thanks be to Allâhu ta’âlâ! Peace and blessings be on His most beloved Prophet, Muhammad (’alaihi ’s-salâm)! Auspicious prayers be for the pure Ahl al-Bait and for each of the just, faithful Companions, as-Sahâbat al-kirâm (radî-Allâhu ta’âlâ ’anhum ajma’în), of that exalted Prophet!

Answer To An Enemy Of Islam

This is a refutation of the lies and slanders which the lâ-madhhabî Rashîd Rıdâ of Egypt, who appeared in the disguise of a religious man and wrote against the scholars of Islam in his book Muhâwarât.

Şevâhid-ün Nübüvve

Şevâhid-ün Nübüvve (Peygamberlik Müjdeleri) kitâbı, derin âlim ve büyük velî Mevlânâ Abdürrahmân Câmî hazretlerinin, “ŞEVÂHİD-ÜN NÜBÜVVE Lİ-TAKVİYET-İ EHLİL-FÜTÜVVE” adlı kitâbının tercümesidir. Muhammed aleyhisselamın peygamberliğine delîl olan alâmetler ve mu’cizelerinin beyânı hakkındadır. Kitâbda, bir mukaddime, yedi bölüm, bir hâtime vardır:

İslâm Ahlâkı

İslâm dîninin güzel ahlâkına ulaşmak için kurtulmak gereken 40 kötü ahlak ve bunlardan kurtulma çarelerinin anlatıldığı bu kitâbda aynı zamanda (Mızraklı İlmihâl) diye bilinen Muhammed bin Kutbüddîn İznîki hazretlerinin kitâbı esas alınarak yazılan Îmân ve ibâdet bilgilerini içeren Cennet Yolu İlmihâli bulunmaktadır.


Allâhu ta’âlâ ha enviado Profetas, ’alaihim-us-salâm, a Sus esclavos para que puedan alcanzar la felicidad, el bienestar y la paz en el mundo y en la Otra Vida, además de llevar una vida de hermandad mediante la unión de los corazones, y para enseñarles cómo cumplir con los deberes que conlleva ser esclavos Suyos.


Este libro es una traducción de ‘Se’âdet-i Ebediyye’, escrito en turco en su forma original y compuesto de tres partes que llegan a superar las mil doscientas páginas. Esta editorial ha traducido el texto entero al inglés que luego se ha publicado en seis fascículos individuales.

Cevâb Veremedi

Îsâ aleyhisselâma gönderilen ve hak kitâb olan İncîlin tahrîf edilmesi ile ortaya çıkan dört kitâb [Matta İncîli, Markos İncîli, Luka İncîli, Yuhannâ İncîli] hakkında bilgi vermekde, aralarındaki ihtilâfları açıklamakdadır. Kur’ân-ı kerîm ile İncîl karşılaştırılmakda, İncîlin tahrîf edildiği, hükümlerinin yürürlükden kalkdığı, Kur’ân-ı kerîmin bütün semâvî kitâbların hükümlerini yürürlükden kaldırdığı îzâh edilmekdedir.

Menâkıb-ı Çihâr Yâr-i Güzîn

Dört halîfenin ve Eshâb-ı Kirâmın bütününün büyüklüklerini, kıymetlerini menkıbeler ile çok uzun ve çok güzel anlatan bu kitâb, türkçe olup, ilk defa 1325 senesinde basılmıştır. Kitabevimiz yeniden 1998'de basdırmıştır. Bu kitâbı Seyyid Eyyûb hazretleri yazmıştır. On iki bâb dan oluşmakdadır.

Could Not Answer

It is a translation of (Cevap Veremedi) into English. Harputlu Ishâk Effendi explains how the Bible - the true book revealed to Isa 'alaihis-salam - was distorted; how words that belonged to people were put into firstly written four Gospels; that the theory of trinity is erroneous; the belief of Tawhid (the unity of Allahu ta’ala) in Islam. Besides, a few very precious letters - a food of a soul by Muhammad Ma’sûm-î Fârûkî - take place. Information about Judaism, Torah and Talmud is also given.

Documents Of The Right Word

A collection of small books written by Sunni scholars for answering Shi'a claims. This book explains how the Hurûfîs, who infiltrated the Shi’î communities, attacked the Sunnîs, how the Iranian King Nâdir Shâh organized a debate between the Sunnî and the Shi’î scholars, which ended in the bilateral recognition that the Shi’î (Shiah) way had been mixed with Hurûfî elements and that on the other hand the Sunnîs were in the right way, and how it was decided, and the decision was sanctioned by Nâdir Shâh that Iran would be Sunnî as before.

İngiliz Câsûsunun İ`tirâfları

1700’lü yıllarda İstanbul’a gelen ve orada çeşidli islâmi ilimleri ve lîsanları öğrenen İngiliz casusu Hempher’in, İslâm dünyâsını ve müslimânları parçalamak için yaptığı casusluk faaliyetlerini ve vehhâbîliği nasıl kurduğunu anlattığı hatıratının tercümesini içeren bu kitâb 3 bölümden oluşmaktadır.

Namâz Kitâbı

Küçük bir ilmihal niteliğinde olan bu kitâbda her müslümanın bilmesi zaruri olan Ehl-i sünnet i'tikâdı, namaz, abdest, gusl, teyemmüm, oruç, hac ve zekât bilgileri anlatılmaktadır. Namâz kitâbının sonunda, namâzın içinde ve dışında okunacak duâlar arabî olarak yer almaktadır. Namâz ve Namâzla ilgili bilgileri detaylıca içeren dokuz kısımdan oluşmaktadır.

İman ve İslam

Büyük alim Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdâdî hazretlerinin; islâmın beş şartını ve îmânın altı şartını anlatan bir hadîs-i şerîfin (Hadîs-i Cibrîl) açıklaması olan (İ’tikâdnâme) kitabının tercümesidir. Allahü teâlânın var olduğunu ve bir olduğunu anlatan Şerefüddîn Yahyâ Münîrinin iki mektûbunu da içermektedir.
İman ve İslam

Eshâb-ı Kirâm

Eshâb-ı Kirâm kitâbının başında, Peygamberimiz Muhammed aleyhisselâmın Eshâbının üstünlüğünü, Eshâb-ı kirâm arasındaki hadîseler, Eshâb-ı kirâma dil uzatanların haksız ve câhil oldukları anlatılmakda, ayrıca; (İctihâd) ın ne olduğu açıklanmakdadır.

Sahaba "The Blessed"

At the beginning of the book (The Blessed) superiority of Ashâb of our prophet, Muhammad ´alayhissalâm, is explained along with how unjust and ignorant are those who defame Ashâb-ı-kirâm. Besides, the meaning of ijtihâd is explained. In the part of cautioning, an answer is given to the book (Hüsniyye) written by an enemy of Islam. In another part, biographies of great savants of Islam - hadrat Imâm-ı Rabbâni and hadrat Sayyed Abdülhakîm-ı Arvâsi - are explained. In the part Two Apples of the Eye of Muslims superiority of hadrat Abû Bakr and hadrat Omar is explained; in the part The First Fitna in Islam events between Ashâb-ı-kirâm are explained beautifully from the pen of hadrat Imâm-ı Rabbâni Ahmad Fârûkî Sarhandi who explains that to love all of Ashâb-ı-kirâm is a fundamental condition of being Ahl-i-sunnat.


Kıymetsiz Yazılar

İmâm-ı Rabbânî Müceddîd-i Elf-i sânî Ahmed Fârûkî Serhendi hazretlerinin üç cild (MEKTÛBÂT) kitâbından ve oğulları Muhammed Ma’sûm-i Fârûkî hazretlerinin de üç cild (MEKTÛBÂT) kitâbından, çıkarılan kıymetli cümleler, Elif-ba sırasına göre tanzîm edilmiş, Seyyid Abdülhakîm Arvâsî hazretlerine okunmuşdur. Dikkat ile dinledikden sonra, bunun adı (Kıymetsiz Yazılar) olsun demişdir. Okuyanın hayreti üzere, anlamadın mı, (Bunun kıymetine karşılık olabilecek birşey bulunabilir mi?) buyurmuşdur.

Ey oğul ilmihâli

Osmânlı devleti âlimlerinden Süleymân bin Ceza’ hazretleri, Hanefî mezhebi âlimlerinin kitâblarını esâs olarak hâzırlamışdır. İbâdetler, îmân, Ana-baba hakkı, Sıla-ı rahm, Yime-içme adâbı, Hakîki müslimân nasıl olur konuları ile, ayrıca sonunda, Muhammed Ma’sûm-ı Fârûkî hazretlerinin rûhlara gıda olan onbir mektûb tercemesi vardır.

Mızraklı İlmihâl

Îmânın altı şartı, küfre sebeb olan husûslar, islâmın beş şartı, ellidört farz, büyük günâhlar, Evlenmenin edebleri, Ölüme hâzırlık konularını anlatan bir ilmihâl kitâbıdır.

The Sunni Path

The beginning of (The Sunni Path), the book by a statesman of the Ottoman Empire Ahmet Cevdet Pasha (Ma’lûmat-ı Nâfia = Beneficial Information), gives a succinct information about how to believe in the religion of Islam and makes the classification of the science of Islam. Imâm-ı Gazâli, one of the greatest savants of Islam, briefly explains the explanations of Ahl-i-sunnat savants of the true religion of Islam preached by Muhammad ׳alayhissalâm. In addition to this, the life of Imâm-ı A’zam Ebû Hanifa, a great Ahl-i-sunnat savant, is summarized in the book (The Sunni Path). Besides, given are an answer to the slanderers and an explanation to (How to be a True Muslim?).

The Proof Of Prophethood

In this precious book written by Imâm-ı Rabbânî Ahmed Fârûkî Serhendi, one of the greatest savants of Islam, explained are the proof of Prophethood, the special features of a Prophet that distinguish him from other men, a miracle, the Prophethood of Muhammad ׳alayhissalâm. In addition to this, the lives of great savants of Islam such as Sayyed Abdülhakîm-i Arvâsî, Sayyed Fehîm-i Arvâsî, Sayyed Tâhâ-i Hakkârî and Hüseyn Hilmi bin Sa’id Effendi are briefly narrated.

Islam and Christianity

Islam that abrogated celestial religions of Judaism and Christianity along with their validity is explained first. That Qur’an-ı Karîm is word of Allah; miracles of Muhammad ׳alayhissalâm, his virtues, moral practices and habits; how to be a true Muslim; a comparison of Islam and Christianity; that Muslims are scientifically powerful; are explained next.

Confessions Of A British Spy And British Enmity Against Islam

Must read for every Muslim! This book Confession by a British spy, translated from the book (Muzakkarat-ul Mister Hempher) which was published in Cairo by (Dâr-ul-kitâb-is-sufi), consists of the memoirs of Hempher, one of the thousands of spies, men or women, send to islamic countries by Ministry of the British Colonies, to demolish the Islamic religion. In this confession, the spy, Hempher, disclosed the lies and slanders fabricated by the Ministry; how he had deceived Muhammad bin Abdulwahhab, the founder of Wahhâbism; how he had strived to divide Muslims into groups and to corrupt their religion.

Ethics Of Islam

Ethics of Islam is taken from the book Berîka by Muhammad Hâdimi. Immorality and ways to get rid of it; 40 depravities and cures to them; usefulness of ethics; what is a soul; strengths of a soul; personalities emanating from wisdom, courage, chastity and justice are extensively explained.

Islam's Reformers

The bigotry of the religion reformers or bigots of science who surfaced lately to blame all previous scholars, basic fundamental beliefs or practices. In this book, the heretical ideas of some reformers from outside Turkey, are set up in paragraphs, which they have written against Islam, and necessary answers are given to them. Thus, sixty-three paragraphs have been formed. ‘Reform’ means ‘to return something defiled to a former state, to correct.’ ‘Religion reformer’ means ‘he who renews, renovates the religion.’ Today, however, those bigots who try to change and demolish Islam from the inside call themselves “religion reformers’. Therefore, there are three groups of reformers in the religion which are told about in detail in the forty-second paragraph, in which it will be seen that it is wrong and out of place to use this word for Islam

The Rising And The Hereafter

Allâhu ta’âlâ pities all the people on the earth, and sends them the useful things He creates. He has taught the entire humanity how they should act and behave so that they may lead a life of comfort and peace in the world and in the Hereafter. Choosing some of the people whose deserved destination in the Hereafter is Hell, He will magnanimously forgive them and bless them with Paradise.

Miftah-ul-Janna (Booklet for Way to Paradise)

The original title of the book, Booklet for Way to Paradise, which we are currently presenting, is Miftâh-ul-Janna, which means The Key of the Gate to Paradise. It was written by Muhammad bin Qutb-ud-dîn Iznikî ‘rahima-hullâhu ta’âlâ’, who passed away in Edirne in the hegiral lunar year 885 [1480 A.D.].

Why Did They Become Muslims?

The book Why Did They Become Muslims consists of 3 sections. Section I is a book of Islam and Christianity. Information about Prophets, books, religions (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) is given, conditions of being a true Muslim are explained, the words of those filled with admiration for Islam and the lives of 42 people who being a member of other religions chose Islam are narrated. Section II is a book of the Qur’an-ı Karîm and the Torah and the Bibles as of Today. Information about today’s Torah and Bibles is given, errors in the Bible are explained; that the Qur’an-ı Karîm is the last and unchangeable book is explained scientifically. Besides, explained are miracles, virtues, moral practices and habits of Muhammad ´alayhissalâm. Section III is a book of Islam and Other Religions. That Islam is not a religion of savageness, that a true Muslim is not ignorant, that there can be no philosophy in Islam are explained along with explanations of primitive religions and celestial religions.


Saying the Basmala, I begin writing the third fascicle of Endless Bliss. For, it will be easy to finish the good deeds started with the Basmala. Such deeds will be useful.

I offer my infinite hamd and gratitude to the Supreme Being, Allah, Who has honoured us by creating us as human beings among His millions of various living and lifeless creatures, and Who has made us valuable by giving us the belief that Hadrat Muhammad ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’, His most beloved one, the highest of mankind, is Allah’s Prophet. To be honoured with being human means to have a human figure. For, no other creature has this beautiful figure. Every child that is normal is beautiful. ’Aql (wisdom) is the great blessing that protects this beauty against contamination later and which makes this beauty valuable. People who have attained the blessing of wisdom are honourable, valuable and happy people. Wisdom is the power distinguishing good from bad, and useful from harmful. Each person has a different amount of this power. A person who has much wisdom is called wise. Wisdom should not be confused with intellect. An intelligent person makes tools. In order to obtain his needs and lustful desires or to take vengeance, he searches for ways and means, and finds them, too. He even conceives new ones resembling them. He uses them. He does not think whether they will be useful or harmful. He cannot see beyond his nose. It is wisdom that reasons and sees these. Intellect, to an extent, exists in some animals, too. Very few people have precise, unerring wisdom. Intellect observes the activities in nature, finds out the relations, the laws among them, and establishes mathematical formulas. But it is wisdom that applies them usefully. Intellect explores bombs, laser beams, unimaginably fearful poisons, but it is wisdom that will apply them properly and usefully.

Intellect explores many things in power, motion and energy, realizes that every motion is made by some power, observes such powers and sees the order in the activities of nature, but still does not think of the existence of a source of power that makes the innumerously various motions and activities, which could not be solved by the intellect or even comprehended by wisdom. The intellect sees and observes men’s and animals’ voluntary and involuntary actions, yet still it does not reason the existence of a Supreme Owner of Power and Will that makes the regular, voluntary, infinite movements which it sees on earth, in seas and in the universe. It even denies this fact. A wise person realizes and believes in the existence of such a maker. And a person with a little wisdom surmises in the least. Upon learning the lives and words of Prophets, his surmise becomes positive knowledge and îmân.

A wise man who has learned science and studied history realizes well that right, good, usefulness and endless bliss are only in the commandments and prohibitions, that is, in the religions, declared by Allâhu ta’âlâ. Today we see various religions on the earth. Some of them have been declared by Allâhu ta’âlâ. But others have mostly been concocted by the cruel, by egoists and hypocrites in imitation of the heavenly religions. They are not religions, they are irreligious cults. As is shown by the history of religions, most of the heavenly religions have been forgotten, changed and defiled in process of time. Another fact shown clearly by the history of religions is that there is only one heavenly religion left unchanged, undefiled on the earth today. This unchanged true religion is the Islamic religion, Islam, brought from Allah by Hadrat Muhammad ‘sall-Allâhu ’alaihi wa sallam’, the final Prophet.

For thirteen hundred years, the enemies of Islam, dictators and ignorant, evil people who sold themselves to the former have striven to change the Islamic religion also and to demolish it from within and have done a lot of harm to Muslims, yet their lies and slanders have not caught on and have been forgotten. For, Allâhu ta’âlâ has promised that He would protect the Islamic religion until the end of the world. Recently, the Shî’îs, Wahhabîs, followers of Maudoodî, Qâdiyânîs, novices of Sayyid Qutb have been racing to defile the Islamic religion, but the promise given by Allâhu ta’âlâ will work, and all these heretical mischief-makers will be routed and destroyed. Allâhu ta’âlâ will protect until the end of the world those real Muslims who are called Ahl as-Sunnat wa-l-Jamâ’at or, in short, Sunnî.

To attain the honour of the true religion of Islam, it is necessary for a wise man to read and understand the books of the Ahl as-sunnat savants. After attaining this honour, it is necessary for him also to live compatibly with what he has learned. And living compatibly with Islam, in its turn, is again possible through wisdom. Following Islam in every action requires consulting wisdom. Working and struggling in the world is like traveling in a dark night. Also, struggling to attain comfort and ease in the world and endless blessings in the Hereafter, that is, obeying Islam, is like a true path that must be followed in the dark. Going along this true path at night without deviating into harmful ways requires having a light, a lantern. Man’s wisdom is like this lantern. He who has little wisdom, that is, an idiot, though he might have attained the honour of being a Muslim, will go wrong in following Islam, thus drifting into perdition. Being caught by the traps of ignorant and stupid enemies of Islam and lâmadhhabî heretical men of religion, he will destroy his life in this world and in the Hereafter.

Hamd and gratitude be to Allâhu ta’âlâ, Who has blessed me with the lot of publishing the third fascicle of Endless Bliss, which is one of the books I have prepared so that those who have been gifted with the honour of being human will be valuable and in order to provide them with attaining comfort and ease in the world and endless blessings after death! It being an important task and worship for those who have had the value of being Muslims to do favours and services to every creature, I have attempted to do this work. I send my prayers to Allâhu ta’âlâ so that He will bless my service and my readers.

Our Books

May Janâb al-Haqq honour all of us with the bliss of following Muhammad Mustafâ (sall-Allahu ‘alaihi wa sallam), who is the master of this world and the next and the superior and the best of mankind! For, Janâb al-Haqq loves following Him, adapting oneself to Him. A mote of following Him is superior to all the pleasures of the world and all the blessings of the âkhirat. Real superiority is being in subjection to His sunnat as-saniyya, and the honour and virtue of humanity are following His Islâm. [The word sunnat has three different meanings. Here, it means Ahkâm al-islâmiyya (the commandments and prohibitions of Islâm).] (Maktûbât Sharîf)

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My Beloved Prophet
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Advice For The Muslim
Answer To An Enemy Of Islam
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I'm Learning To Read The Qur'an

“The person Allahu ta’âlâ loves very much is who learns knowledge of religion and teaches others. Learn your religion through Islâmic scholars!”




Ahmed Cevdet Paşa ”rahmat-allahi alaih”

Osmanlı Devleti’nde on dokuzuncu asırda yetişen en büyük ilim ve devlet adamı. Asıl adı Ahmed olup, babası İsmâil Ağa, annesi Topuzoğullarından Ayşe Sünbül Hanım’dır. 27 Mart 1822’de Lofça’da doğdu. 1895’de Bebek’teki yalısında vefât etti. Cenazesi, Fâtih Câmii’nin bahçesindeki kabristanlığa defnedildi.

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Abdullah Süveydî ”rahmat-allahi alaih”

Bağdat’ta yetişen âlimlerin büyüklerinden. Şafiî mezhebi fıkıh âlimidir. İsmi, Abdullah bin Hüseyn bin Mer’î bin Nâsırüddîn Bağdâdî Süveydî Abbâsî’dir. Otuzuncu dedesi Abbasî halîfelerinden Ebû Ca’fer Abdullah Mensûr’dur. Künyesi Ebü’l-Berekât, lakabı ise Cemâlüddîn’dir. Süveydî-zâde diye meşhûr oldu. 1104 (m. 1692) senesinde Bağdat’ın batısında Kü...

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Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdâdî ”rahmat-allahi alaih”

İslâm âlimlerinin ve evliyânın büyüklerinden. “Silsile-i aliyye” ismi verilen âlimler ve velîler zincirinin yirmidokuzuncusudur. Asrının müceddidi idi. İsmi, Mevlânâ Hâlid-i Bağdadî Osmânî olup, lakabı Ziyâeddîn’dir. Hazret-i Osman bin Affân soyundandır.

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Alî bin Emrullah ”rahmat-allahi alaih”

Osmanlı âlimlerinin en meşhûrlarından. Tefsîr, hadîs, fıkıh âlimidir. Ali bin Emrullah, 916 (m. 1516) senesinde Isparta’da doğdu. Anadolu ve Rumeli’nin çeşitli şehirlerinde kadı ve kadıasker [askerî mahkeme reîsi] olarak vazîfe yaptı. 979 (m. 1571) senesinde Ramazan ayının altıncı günü Edirne’de vefât etti.

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Islam and Other Religions

Din, insanları ebedi saadete götürmek için Allahü teâlâ tarafından gösterilen yol demektir. Din ismi altında insanların uydurduğu eğri yollara din denmez, dinsizlik ve kâfirlik denir.

Dinler, Allahü teâlânın kullarına rahmetidir, ihsânıdır. Allahü teâlâ, dinleri, nefsin arzûlarını, keyflerini kırmak ve taşkınlıklarını önlemek için göndermiştir.



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